
Relationships and movies

We are complex individuals moving to our own internal clock that appears in synchronization with the forces of the earths magnetic pull, while us humans struggle to make our relationships work through all the confusion we find moments of synchronicity.  Yet these last coupe of weeks, I have been questioning my relationship and why a person would want hold another hostage of ones natural drive to physically express life, as this causes me to slowly disintegrate and question living.

So I escape into a world of celluloid, where films are pure Hollywood fantasy, others a partial slice of reality mixed with a screenwriter’s illusionary make-believe. This is off-set by outside of the mainstream Indie films with their understated representation, while foreign movies mainly seem to go delve deeper, exposing in the subjects guts to sunlight.

Some of the films I have seen dealing 
with all levels of relationship

It is not that I am necessarily looking to find any answers to my predicament, rather it is an escape, an act of voyeurism into another realm to stimulate the mind. After all, watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes, especially since it touches on various levels of interests. If it is not creative cinematography, set design, then the words of the screenwriter that dislodges any ‘writer’s block’ from which I might be suffering.

Films to me are only real when they are honest about the subject matter they are portraying. Unfortunately, the majority of people go to the cinema to escape their problems and worries and  the industry caters to the majority and though I like seeing a film of pure imagination, in the end I prefer a slice of life reflected onto celluloid.

Thank you for your visit

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