
Keeping Journals

"I have tried to keep diaries before, but they don't work out because of the necessity to be honest," so wrote John Steinbeck in a giant ledger book and in order for me to be honest, I cloak this blog under a pen name. A pseudonym that was carefully chosen to reflect the writer in character and background to my possible identity, so that when the two ever met, they would recognize each and see they are not so different because they are after all one and the same. And so this blog is my anonymous lost journal where I can feel free to reveal my thoughts, what ever they may be without the fear of retribution, hence, as the title of this blog suggests, a drawer full of secrets.

Throughout my life I have keep journals and notebooks and when computers entered the mainstream of the populace I began using a word-processed, which also permitted saving my email correspondence. Yet I never lost the desire to use a pen, preferably a fountain pen and a nicely bound notebook. Yet there is something to be said about using  a computer and now posting on-line for anyone to read.

Though I am not new to blogging—having one on the subject of art—journal blogging is, so it will be interesting to see where it all this shall lead to, as it slowly begins to unfold over the next weeks and months.

Thank you for your visit

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